30 December 2009

Good afternoon.

Well actually this is good morning for me, so eh whatever. I looveee how it looks outside right now. I got up from bed, went to open the curtains expecting an intense force of sunlight, but instead I open them to find that the pavement is covered with water & that the sky is plastered with a nice, wintery white. Idkm I just love the feeling of when it rains. Oh boo, I just waved to my stepdad outsude & he didn't wave back to me-_- Hmm, so anyway I kind of organized my resolution into section & colors: the things that'll take about a week or a month, the things i can accomplish through past time or reminding myself, the things that might take years. I did that so it could be easier for me to actually accomplish anything. Hopefully it works tho. Man, I can't believe in a few days 2009 is going to be over. & It may not seem like it right away, but everyone & all our surroundings are going to be changing. Whether it's for the better, or it's for the worst. & If you think about it, we've all got to start preparing ourselves for that adjustment. Maybe not too soon, but I know that I've got to keep my guard up starting this new year. There's no way in hell I'll end up in a safe landing if I begin this year letting loose. I'm excited & all, but

I have no idea what I'm going to do.