22 December 2009


I know this isn't the complete draft, but it's a continuation to my 'what to do before i'm old & boring list' & i guess it can count as a new years resolution for the years to come:) IT'S EFFING LONG BTW.

I will go to a drive-in movie.
I will use the boys' restroom.
I will have a debut!
I will read the complete works of Lewis Carroll. sp?
I will spend an all nighter in a big city.
I will win jackpot at Vegas. HAH.
I will finish a book in less than 24 hours.
I will go to the airport and watch the planes take off.
I will....get smart
I will sneeze with my eyes open.
I will visit London, Japan, Paris, moooree.
I will pet up to 10 wild animals.
I will sleep under the stars[again]
I will write a song on the guitar.
I will seriously learn how to play the harmonica.
I will grow my hair
I will make something wall-hangable.
I will get a job and be good at it.
I will complete my collection of pennies.
I will make high school the best years of my life.
I will make a Post Secret.
I will not be negative anymooore.
I will fall completely & utterly in love.
I will kick butt in guitar hero world tour.
I will collect antiques.
I will collect jade rings.
I will plan to make grad spectacular.
I will send my message in a bottle out to sea.
I will get a daaaarn tan.
I will fly out of the state/country.
I will go to Huntington, Venice, Cabrillo, & Santa Monica beach!
I will reunite with KSK.
I will slide down the stairs with a mattress.
I will meet famous people.
I will have an avatar marathon with banana.
I will make an 8th grade memorial.
I will make a cover video.
I will watch the sunrise before school ends.
I will get a bike
I will attend up to at least, four concerts/musical events.
I will volunteer at an animal shelter or at any place to volunteer.
I will put more commitment into God.
I will not shop THAT much.
I will practice guitar a little more.
I will actually work on a novel.
I will try to read 2-3 books per month.
I will learn how to sew.
I will prove to my mom that I am responsible enough to have a pet.
I will learn something new & interesting every single day.
I will have more one-on-one bonding time with my friends.
I will write more letters.
I will say more “I love you”s
I will find out what I want to do with the rest of my life.
I will write a song, a good, completed one.
I will not forget about my Caroldale lovesss.
I will not over-analyze every single thing.
I will make promises & keep them.
I will put great value into the secrets that are shared with me.
I will make my life exciting enough that I actually have secrets to keep.
I will put others before myself in the right situations.
I will finish watching the Degrassi 80’s series & the complete Brady Bunch series.
I will watch The Last Airbender just to see how much of a crap job it is.
I will go to Seaworld!
I will go to camp<333333 Fishing Caravan & Camp Whittle FTW.
I will put away my time capsules.
I will celebrate something everyday.
I will expect the best & be prepared for the worst.
I will create sparks in friendships & relationships.
I will hopefully get a new ipod.
I will get a new phone-_-
I will stop drinking soda.
I will try.
I will experience.
I will have limits.
I will go to Rocketship Park since I’ve never been there before.
I will go to the beach at night multiple times.
I will learn a new instrument.
I will take up crafts.
I will have a bamboo plant,
I will not lose money, anymore-_-
I will cut down on junk fooood:[
I will go outside on boring days and play. Haha.
I will TRY & design clothes.
I will learn how to drive stick-shift HAHA.
I will make good use of my time.
I will attempt being vegetarian haha.
I will try & play a sport-_-
I will try to bike everywhere I go.
I will dye my hair blonde at some point in my life.
I will persuade my mom to let my get either a nose stud, lip ring, or an industrial piercing when I’m at least 15.
I will visit my dad in NY when I’m at least 16 or 17.
I will be okay.
I’m not dooonee.