01 February 2010

Being an only child-_-

- You get to be independent.
- You learn on your own.
- You aren't expected to follow any footsteps.
- Your parents spoil you.
- You don't have to compete with any siblings to be the favorite.
- No jealousy from other siblings.
- You pretty much always get your way.
- You always want more out of life, & strive to get it.
- You learn not to depend on anyone.

- You are alone most of the time.
- You don't really have any close, sibling bonds.
- There's really no one to turn to advice to.
- You don't get the warmth of having a real, big family.
- It's hard to do things & go places without someone being there with you.
- You are socially awkward with friends because of being used to being alone most the time.
- You think noe one could understand you.
- You think too much when you should be socializing.
- Your house is quiet.
- There is no one to laugh with or make you laugh.
- There is no one to look after you or to look after.
- It sucks.
- You have a lot of wasted time on your hands.
- You get bored very easily.
- It's lonely.