07 March 2010


Man I barely had any posts in February. & This is my first one of this month. I feel like I have a lot to say, that I haven't told anyone in days. But it feels exciting to have some things to myself, to have 'secrets' again. So I'm just going to keep it like this for now :p Buuut, this week has been really good to me. A lot has happened, in a good way. But man oh man, I'm neglecting some really important things in my life. Like my grades, & going to church, praying.. all that stuff. A couple of days ago I did something I knew was bad, & in the back of my head I thought about God, but I still did it anyway. I really hate how I can't commit to ANYTHING. Sometimes, not even my relationship. I have morals, & I over-analyze everything, so why does it seem so difficult to make decision, & be sure of myself? Why can't I ever figure out WHAT I WANT &

what I'm doing here? =T