21 January 2010

Good conversation with Kriselle today.

sammjcs (7:46:02 PM): i know . this is really hard to agree with haha. cause you know, i have faith & all & i want my heart to be purified by God & all, but at the same time i'm pretty much a hedonist
duhhkrisellee (7:46:15 PM): whats that ?
sammjcs (7:46:36 PM): a person who goes through life head-on haha
duhhkrisellee (7:46:41 PM): haha oh
duhhkrisellee (7:47:03 PM): well if you wanna commit to God, he's gonna help you become more patient
duhhkrisellee (7:47:08 PM): and sensitive to his voice
sammjcs (7:47:22 PM): yeah i've been praying for that too. & wisdom
duhhkrisellee (7:47:29 PM): thats good
sammjcs (7:47:57 PM): & today i prayed like twice, for God to help me find exactly WHERE i belong. cause lately i just dont feel comfortable with anyone or anywhere. not my friends, not asa, not my own skin
duhhkrisellee (7:48:16 PM): well just be patient
duhhkrisellee (7:48:24 PM): he'll show you where you need to go
sammjcs (7:49:18 PM): i know. but i don't know if i'm praying for the right thing?
sammjcs (7:49:44 PM): like maybe it feels like its my friends & stuff that i dont feel comfortable around, but maybe its something else thats wrong that i should really be praying for?
duhhkrisellee (7:50:02 PM): well ask God to show you what else you need to change
sammjcs (7:50:50 PM): do you think he could really show me?
sammjcs (7:50:55 PM): cause i feel like thats asking for too much
duhhkrisellee (7:51:23 PM): no, you can never ask too much
duhhkrisellee (7:51:35 PM): you have to ask though to be sensitive to his voice
duhhkrisellee (7:51:58 PM): he'll speak to you in 4 different ways
duhhkrisellee (7:52:08 PM): you have to watch for them
sammjcs (7:52:27 PM): whats te 4?
sammjcs (7:52:28 PM): the*
duhhkrisellee (7:52:44 PM): 1. you hve a restless spirit
duhhkrisellee (7:53:01 PM): meaning that gut feeling that you know somethings right/wrong
duhhkrisellee (7:53:16 PM): or you literally cant sleep because something keeps bothering you
duhhkrisellee (7:53:34 PM): 2. he speaks through other people
duhhkrisellee (7:54:08 PM): self explanatory - if a persons words/advice touches you/ your heart, its usually God talking to you through that person
duhhkrisellee (7:54:21 PM): 3.he speaks through circumstance
duhhkrisellee (7:54:55 PM): for example, you were starting to lose faith but i invited you to youth
duhhkrisellee (7:55:10 PM): that was him telling you that youth had the answers you were looking for
duhhkrisellee (7:55:18 PM): 4. he speaks through the Word
duhhkrisellee (7:55:21 PM): meaning the bible
sammjcs (7:56:33 PM): so technically, this right now is god speaking to me through you
sammjcs (7:56:40 PM): telling me i have to be patient & watch for his signs
duhhkrisellee (7:56:46 PM): i guess so , yeah
duhhkrisellee (7:56:48 PM): haha
sammjcs (7:57:11 PM): okay. i really hope something happens,
sammjcs (7:57:16 PM): not to be selfish or impatient
sammjcs (7:57:42 PM): but im sooo tired of being vulnerable around people i thought i could trust, & always looking for stability emotionally, mentally, & spiritually
sammjcs (7:57:50 PM): pray for me.
duhhkrisellee (7:57:59 PM): i already do
sammjcs (7:58:15 PM): what do you say?
duhhkrisellee (7:58:43 PM): i pretty much pray that that you stay close to God and that you keep making yourself real to him
duhhkrisellee (7:58:52 PM): so ill just add on what youre tellling me
sammjcs (7:59:00 PM): haha mmkay then
duhhkrisellee (7:59:06 PM): haha yup
duhhkrisellee (7:59:14 PM): well brb
duhhkrisellee (7:59:18 PM): haha i gotta wash dishes
sammjcs (7:59:24 PM): mmmmk